Why is belly fat so hard to lose in adults?

Why belly fat is so difficult to lose in adulthood?

This is why:

The majority of adults don’t have not even a clue on how to shed abdominal fat.

I’ll explain.

But first, be aware that I struggled with belly fat as well. Take a look at these pictures of me back in 2015:

It took me quite a while — nearly three years in all finally figure out how to shed belly fat (or body fat generally).

What did I get? Check out these pictures of me in the year 2018:

belly fat

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that it’s easy.

To be truthful losing belly fat is very difficult.

However, having the wrong notion or having no idea how to shed stomach weightjust makes it much more difficult.

The reason that it’s so much more challenging is because you’re putting in a lot of work, yet seeing ZERO outcomes.

In terms of the opposite, you’re turning your wheel.

Here are the five most commonly misguided beliefs that people are able to come up with regarding losing belly fat which makes it difficult:

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Bad idea #1: You should exercise your abdominal muscles a lot (e.g. sit-ups, crunches, torso twists, planks, etc.) for “target” tummy fat.

This is among the myths that will never be dispelled because of fitness models sporting rock-hard abs that are paid to promote extravagant ab exercises, gadgets or workouts on television and in magazines.

The truth is that abdominal exercises do not have any impact on abdominal fat.

Do you doubt me?

A study of 24-healthy, active adults ranging from 18 to 40 discovered an abdominal training by itself did not reduce abdominal fat, as well as other indicators of body composition.

Another study that was conducted on obese women of 40 found that abdominal resistance training in addition to diet did not decrease abdominal fat as much as diet alone in overweight and obese women.

However, this doesn’t mean that ab exercises are useless. Be aware that when you do many abdominal exercises, you’re merely strengthening and enhancing the endurance of your abdominal muscles -and rather than “targeting” tummy fat.

Sorry, buddy, your 500 sit-ups-aday aren’t enough. 😉

No idea #2: You need to exercise a lot / Zumba, spinning, HIIT or (INSERT the name of your trending workout) for you to “burn off” belly fat

If you look around, you’ll notice that the majority of people are relying on exercising to shed stomach pounds…

…thinking they’ll lose weight through a full hour of exercise.

…thinking that they could get leaner through “sweating it out” doing “insane” workouts.

…thinking they’ll be able to get rid of their bad eating habits.

The truth?

Whatever amount they work out, they just cannot seem to get rid of their flubber.

The funny aspect is that many people do the same thing repeatedly time, expecting different outcomes.

(This is fascinating for me as a lot of people realize they have to “make a change,” they’re actually doing exactly the opposite! ).

The reality is that The diet you choose to follow has more impact on losing fat than exercising.

Don’t get me wrong. Exercise can aid in losing fat by raising your energy expenditure. But consider this:

It takes between 20 and 30 minutes of exercising to burn between 200 and 300 calories. But it takes only two cheeseburgers as well as a strawberry milkshake to take in 1,000 calories -something that is not uncommon for those who prefer the idea of “reward” themselves after a “good” workout.

This is why exercise is useless (at the very least, for fat loss) when your eating habits are out of control.

If you instead focus on reducing your food intake first, you’ll be able to see huge improvements in the results you see from losing fat.

However, many people tend to concentrate on the negative aspects of their diet. This brings me to the next issue…

Bad Concept #3: You should take your food “CLEAN” (whatever that means)

Check out. It’s not necessary for “eat clean” to lose belly fat.

Take a look at Mark Haub, a professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University.

In the course for 10 weeks, He confined himself to less than 1800 calories a day by eating the “dirty” junk diet of snacks, chips, nuts, cakes, donuts and sweet cereals.

What happened next?

He shed 27 pounds and dropping the body fat percentage from 33.4 percentage to 24.9 percent!

How can that be? You wonder.

Here’s the truth:

The secret to losing weight and fat is to ensure that you maintain the calorie (energy) deficit, i.e. consume on average less calories than what your body consumes for a significant period of time.

A person the size of Haub typically consumes around 2,600 calories per day. He resisted, however, eating just 1,800 calories per day.

In essence, all He did was to follow the principal of fat loss. He ate significantly less calories than burned.

That said…I’m not suggesting you follow the lead of Mark Haub and eating only junk food. It’s a ridiculous idea.

I’m saying:

If you’re consuming too many calories, it’s not going to help you lose belly fat regardless of whether the food you’re taking is “clean,” “healthy,” “whole 30,” or something else.

The Wrong idea #4: You should be careful to cut out or eliminate the intake of FATS– i.e. adhere to a low-fat diet

Because of the fat-phobia era in the 1980s and 90s, a lot of people are still able to perceive “low-fat” and “fat-free” food items as healthy choices.

Here’s the real most important thing:

Research has proven that healthy choices result in a craving for food, due to a psychological trap known as moral license–that means that you give yourself the right to feel “bad” because you’ve been “good.”

But, going low-fat / fat-free doesn’t mean it’s “good.” Because low-fat or fat-free doesn’t necessarily mean calories-free or low-calorie.

This is the thing It’s possible to reduce your intake of fat in the event that you’d like to do so. However, if you are prone to eating excess calories from low-fat or nonfat meals that are rich in sugar and carbohydrates, “bad” things will be sure to happen:

  1. With plenty of energy (glucose) from carbohydrates your body requires a lot of effort to burn off fat stores to provide the energy needed, i.e. no fat loss.
  2. Since glucose is your body’s preferred fuel and there’s plenty to be found, any trace of fat you consume will be stored in the body instantly.
  3. The excess glucose that isn’t stored by the body can be transformed into fatty acids and then stored as fat.

The problem is that fats are hard to eliminate.

Five Bad Ideas 5: You must stay clear of or eliminate sugars and carbs out of your daily dietto i.e. adopt a low-carb ketogenic diet

Are you surprised? I understand the reason.

The diet “experts” have been blaming carbohydrates for fat gain in the past decade, based on fact that eating carbs causes an increase in insulin levels.

Because the hormone insulin plays a role which slows fat loss and increases fat storage They “conclude” that eating carbs can make us fat, as they cause the body’s body to hold more fat and burn less fat because of higher levels of insulin.

At first glance, this seems like it’s logical However, here’s the challenge:

The”experts “forgot” to mention that:

  1. Consuming protein can also increase insulin levels . So why shouldn’t they be able to demonize protein too?
  2. Your body doesn’t need insulin to store fat, but there is a variety of hormones, processes, and other substances that complete this job.

Also, be aware of this:

When you consume greater calories than what you use, i.e. create a surplus in calories and your body doesn’t have a place to store these extra calories, other than as body fat.

While it’s true that insulin increases stores of fat in the body, insulin doesn’t make fat from the air. The fat must initially come from SOMEWHERE. What is the source from which fat is derived from?

Extra calories, obviously.

Check out. You can eat carbs as you would like, but if you “accidentally” eat too much protein and fat these extra calories could or

  1. Transform into energy that can be used, and give your body absolutely no reason to use the fat stores in your jiggly jiggly; or
  2. Straight to your stomach Love handles, belly, man-boobs, etc.

What’s the lesson to be learned from this?

I’ve already said it before, and I’ll repeat it here:

The most important thing to lose abdominal fat is to sustain the calorie (energy) deficit, i.e. consume on average less calories than the body uses over a long period of time.

By reducing your the intake of carbs, you’re also reducing total calories consumed.

Yes, by reducing calories from fats, you’re decreasing the overall calories consumed.

In addition when you eat “clean”–i.e. mostly whole foods, you’ll be to reduce your overall calories intake.


If, in spite of doing all the above, but you’re yet to be in deficit, then I’m going to tell you that the belly fat will be here for a while. 🙂

Edit / Add-on:

Another aspect I’m not able to leave out that is what makes losing belly fat difficult.

If you’re able to create an energy deficit in the beginning of your diet, you’ll surely shed fat at first. However, after a time What happens?

The loss of fat begins to slow… then then it stops, leaving you exhausted hungry, miserable, and hungry. (Sounds familiar?)

So , what’s happening?

It is evident that when you are trying to reduce fat loss through cutting down calories, something fascinating occurs:

Your body adjusts to low calories.

Caloric restriction forces your body through a range of hormonal, metabolic and behavioral changes that decrease the amount of energy you expend as a way to conserve energy.

That is that, if you consume fewer energy than what you use, the body slowly changes by burning fewer calories.

What is this all about to you?

This means you’ll notice that your caloric loss you generate at the beginning of your diet decreases gradually until there’s no longer an energy deficit!

This is the reason the reason why fat loss decreases and then stops. You’ve paid the entry fee, but don’t know what to do if you come across the roadblock.

The truth is: Not everyone is in a position that allows them to shed excess weight.

If you are finding it difficult to even keep weight off when you eat a small amount of calories (1,200-1,800 calories) this means your metabolism has diminished to a unhealthy level because of a long-term diet.

In this case, most people are either unable to stop their diet or reduce their calories to semi-starvation levels in the hope that they will somehow get past their plateau.

BIG mistake.

In doing this they slow their metabolism down and the energy levels drop which leaves them feeling exhausted, hungry and miserable.

You know what? An inefficient metabolism — and consequently, the inability to produce energy, along with an intense cravings and hunger is an ideal recipe for catastrophe.

When they finally succumb to cravings and eat, any sudden rise in food intake will result in an enormous caloric surplus in comparison to their lower energy expenditure which causes a rapid weight gain.

This is why the poor souls of our society often find themselves getting fatter than they did before they began their diet -which I refer to as “the fat rebound effect.”

Be aware You’re “dieting to maintain and starving to lose” You should not be doing any diet in the first place.

Instead it is best to spend the next three months recuperating and boosting your slow metabolic rate by keeping your diet at a a maintenance the recommended level.

One thing to note:

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